Banner Preparation Guidelines

We recommend that your finished files, regardless of size, be compressed with programs such as WinZip, Winrar, StuffIt prior to Email or Upload.

Please follow this guide to reduce potential problems. Well formatted files result in faster turn-around times and the most accurate final product.

Recommended File Types.

  • Adobe PDF, Illustrator (AI), EPS, Indesign, TIFF, PSD, PDF, JPEG and QuarkXpress.
  • We accept Microsoft Office document.

Image Resolution

  • We require a minimum resolution of 100-150 dpi at 100% banner size or 200-300 dpi at 50% banner size on all Raster Based files such as PSD, TIF, JPEG & etc.

Send your artwork to us

More Helpful Tips

  • Fonts: Convert all fonts to Outlines where possible, if not please submit your file with necessary fonts.
  • Color Modes: Save your design in CMYK mode, we can also work with RGB files however in some cases there may be color shift
  • Image: Submit all linked/placed/imported image files used in your document.
  • JPEG: Save jpeg images with maximum quality setting.
  • Final Output Size: You can also Design your banner at 50% (200-300 dpi) or 25% (400-600 dpi) of final output size. (Please Indicate final output enlargement size percentage when submitting file).
  • Bleeds:Must extend your artwork beyond the border page by 1 inch for finishing.
  • Safe Area: Don't put graphic elements too close to the edge of your banner artwork as they will be trimmed off, hemmed or grommets for finishing. | 401 Charcot Avenue, San Jose, CA 95131 | Phone: (408) 452-1001